Living Under the Cloud

Vijay Dontharaju
3 min readApr 22, 2016


Occasionally on my way back home I see this mystical cloud in the sky near my house. Initially I thought it was a normal cloud. But when it appeared even during a clear sky day my inquisitive mind started researching about it. Here is what I found out — It is smoke coming from the smokestacks of W.A. Parish Electrical Generating Station, a coal and natural gas fired power plant in Fort Bend County, Texas. The plant is currently operated by NRG Energy.

I work in an industry where we read constantly about EPA’s rules and regulations with regards to emissions from coal fired power plants. Pollutants in this smoke include sulfur dioxide and the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide. Often times these pollutants can create adverse effects on people living near the plant.

In 2015 National Geographic published an article which states that Parish Generating station is one of the 5 power plants that emitted most mercury based on 2013 EPA data. As per the October 2, 2015 article in Houston Chronicle, Petra Nova project designed to capture Carbon from Parish Generating Station could be delayed or cancelled due to cheap oil and gas prices. This in effect means there would not be change in the emissions from coal based power generation.

View from Sienna Plantation

That’s a lot of bad news. But there is still a sense of optimism as the DOE website lists that the construction of the Petra Nova project is currently underway and it is expected to be operational in late 2016. I am hoping this project along with EPA’s mercury regulation can bring down the adverse affects of pollutants from this power plant.

Alright, what’s the big deal having a power plant in my backyard?

As per the statistics from Clean Air Task Force, 49 deaths, 70 heart attacks and nearly a 1000 asthma attacks on an annual basis can be directly attributable to the fine particle pollution from Parish Generating Station (based on 2010 data). Fine particles include soot, heavy metals, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.

We all understand that electricity is essential for our survival. But what we hope for is that the generation methods should be environment friendly and not contribute to the deaths and health effects of people.

US Energy Information Administration projects that Natural Gas and Renewables are projected to provide larger shares of electricity generation and projects a decline in Coal based generation. This is a significant result due to EPA’s regulations and a great direction forward.

What can you do?

  1. Understand your environment.
  2. Understand and support regulations EPA is bringing out as it can protect each one of us.
  3. Do your part in protecting the climate.

I sincerely hope one day the cloud disappears. Until then next time when you see it you know what it is :)

Happy Earth Day, Everyone!



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